Japan Crafts came to join us for our December meeting to teach us to make a bauble using the Japanese technique of Kimekomi. We discovered that traditionally these would have been made using sawdust packed together with rice water glue to form a sphere. However, we used the more modern version of a polystyrene ball for our base. First we used the special tool provided to score lines into the ball to divide it into equal sections. Then came the most difficult part, deciding which of the gorgeous pieces of Japanese material to use. We cut the material and wadding to shape and the utilised the tool again to push the pieces into place. Finally we trimmed our beautiful baubles with silky thread and sat back to admire them. We had a brilliant evening, learned a new craft and said goodbye to the St Georges centre, our home for several years. Our next meeting will take place in our new home, Christchurch.
If you could not attend the December meeting take a look at the monthly inspiration section of our website for more detailed instructions.
If you would like to buy anymore of the beautiful Japanese fabric we worked with on the night, visit Katie’s Japan Crafts website.