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  • Writer's pictureSpaSweetheartsWI

February 2020: Annual Meeting

February was our annual meeting where we celebrated the successes of last year and looked ahead to the rest of 2020. We had lots of our subgroups on display showing off what they got up to last year, there was a display from; book group, craft group and board games group as well as a scrap book showcasing Spa Sweethearts over the years. Also on display was the bunting detailing every meeting we have held since Spa Sweethearts began which was fantastic to see. We had a great turn out and finished the evening with a social session with lots of cheese, wine and nibbles.

The agenda we followed for the meeting is below;

  1. Announcements

  2. Appointment of independent examiner for the coming year

  3. Presentation and adoption of the financial statement

  4. The committee’s annual report

  5. President’s address and adoption of the annual report

  6. confirmation of the 2020 committee

  7. Thanks and the Great Yorkshire Show

  8. Social time, wine and cheese

You can read the president and secretary’s reports by clicking the links below.

We are pleased to announce that Felicity Jennings was re-elected as our president for the second year running, Sam Pugmire will continue to act as treasurer and Sahra McCann is our new secretary. A full list of committee members can be found below.

2020 Committee President: Felicity Jennings Treasurer: Sam Pugmire Secretary: Sahra McCann

Committee: Rosie Curtis Lucy Hainsworth Colette Hewlett Sophie Shand Lucy Turner Dawn Walsh

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