I’ve attached the full PowerPoint of the AGM, which includes all speeches and the new program. It’s full of lots of memories, so please take a peek.
We all agreed it was one of the best AGMs we’d ever done. Wonderful warm speeches of past, present and future, wonderful ladies, lots of support and love, miles of bunting and cakes!
I personally felt very proud of my fellow “Officers” for all their hard work and support. And looking at the new Programme, I think we are all going to have a lot of fun this year!
Lucy Thomas, a cosmetic and paramedical tattoo artist joined us for the second half of the evening. She was a wonderfully passionate and inspiring speaker and told us about her personal reasons for starting the charity Nips and all the amazing people Lucy has brought closure to. Please clink on the link below to see Lucy’s work and how you can get involved.
Definitley a fun meeting - and inspiring to meet Lucy - I hope we can help her raise the profile of the charity!