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October meeting-Birthday Pirate Games

Updated: May 20

Spa Sweethearts October meeting – Pirate Game

To celebrate our 12th Birthday we played our famous Pirate Game at the October meeting this month. It was a brilliantly successful night, as expected. Many thanks to the lovely Lucy Turner for joining us to take charge of running the game. It was an evening of full on cut throat activity, including killing, stealing and keeping tabs on who had accrued the most loot! Hopefully you managed to build your money stash and get it banked at the right time.Ladies who you considered your friends could turn on you in a matter of moments. On a happier note money gifts could be pledged to deserving players. The game generated so much excitement and encouraged lots of social interaction. Everyone was so invested in the entertainment value of the game and left the meeting feeling very upbeat at the end of the night. Paula and Heather, both recently new members to Spa Sweethearts were our lucky winners, their prizes were a mini rum bottle and chocolate coins (pieces of eight!). Hot or cold drinks were available, accompanied by delicious homemade fruit tray bake or lemon drizzle cake supplied by Sarah B and Shirley. The November 9th meeting brings us wine tasting with Ale and Humpris. Please come along and join us and maybe you will find a cheeky new wine to add to your Christmas celebrations.

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